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Power systems for telecommunication equipment
Dodane: 2016-01-20 Kategoria: Produkcja / Inne Usługi

Power systems for telecommunications equipment and telecom power solutions, it can be said the foundation of our business. It is why our business always rely on the use of the latest technologies. In our offer we have a wide range of cutting-edge, highly efficient and flexible telecommunications modules and telecom power solutions. As a result, we meet the most stringent requirements of the telecommunication sector and industry. Particularly strong emphasis on guaranteed power supply, which as you know is an extremely critical factor having a very large impact on the continuity of the work of telecommunication and ICT. Depending on demand, we are able to supply dozens of systems responsible for the correct supply, regardless of whether it will be a DC power supply or AC. Our systems use the most power, constant power rectifiers. Our modules are manufactured with the latest technology hot-swappable and thus allow the replacement and expansion of equipment without interrupting their work.

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